
4. A tank containing 35 gallons of water is leaking at a rate of 1/4 gallon per minute. Write an expression to determine the number of gallons left in the tank after m minutes. PLEASE Help meeee((((r

Accepted Solution

Answer:Number of gallons left in tank after m minutes [tex]35 -\frac{m}{4}[/tex]Step-by-step explanation:Given:A tank containing 35 gallons of water.Total water in tank = 35 gallonsIn 1 minute =[tex]\frac{1}{4}[/tex] gallonsIn m minute = Rate of Leakage in tank in m minutes By using Unitary  Method we get,Rate of Leakage in tank in m Minutes = [tex]\frac{m}{4}[/tex]Number of gallons left = Total water in tank - Rate of Leakage in tank in m Minutes =  [tex]35 - \frac{m}{4}[/tex]Number of gallons left in tank after m minutes [tex]35 -\frac{m}{4}[/tex]